November 21, 2012
Dear Respondents,
Dear Respondents,
Hi! I am Alpha T. Pedralvez, a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
student at Asia Pacific College. I am conducting a research study entitled
'Fortune Telling: Methods, Themes and Psychological Effects'. The purpose of my
study is to collect different opinions or perceptions from different
respondents based on their perspective on fortune telling and its psychological
effects to an individual.
Your participation will involve answering some general demographic
questions and some questions relative to my research study. The questionnaire
will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your involvement in the
study is voluntary, and your responses will be completely anonymous. You do not
have to answer any question you would rather not answer. There are no consequences
if you decide not to complete the survey and you can stop at any time.
The findings from this project will provide information with no cost to
you other than the time it takes for the survey. If you have any questions
about this research project, please feel free to contact me at (0917) 559-0130
or send an e-mail to
By returning this questionnaire in the envelope provided or by sending
me your answers via electronic mail, whichever is more convenient for you, you
will be agreeing to participate in the above described project.
Thanks for your consideration!
Alpha T. Pedralvez
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Asia Pacific College
TumugonBurahinCover Letter: 10/10