Miyerkules, Oktubre 3, 2012

Deck of Cards

Fortune telling consists of many methods such as predictions, horoscopes, palm reading, face reading, use of crystal balls, numerology and many more. But are you familiar with the thing called Tarot Cards? According to an article, tarot card reading is one of the most popular methods of fortune telling.

How about the regular playing cards? I’m sure you’re very much familiar with it. Do you know that it can also be a method for fortune telling?   

There are times when I watch movies which show a fortune teller with these Tarot cards. The cards also catch my attention because of weird graphics in it and what does each of them signifies. I never had the chance to see this deck of cards in personal. But in case of playing cards, I can even have one of them anytime I want.

While browsing in the internet, I came across a popular topic about fortune telling which is the use of Tarot Cards. It was a brief article written by a tarot reader, the item consists of the different myths about the history of tarot cards.

According to the article, Tarot cards weren’t originally used for fortune telling, the original purpose of the cards was for playing games of French people. This game is known as “tarock”. The images on tarot cards gradually became more mystical and symbolic over time, it was then that Tarot started to be widely adopted by mystics alike in the 18th and 19th century.

Because I have never tried to go on a fortune telling with the use of tarot cards, I then didn’t believe that they really work. And my outlook about this matter became strong when I read about this article. My assessment about this is that people who reads tarot cards uses their own interpretation about the figure in the card and connects it with what you want to know.

The article as well states that, it is not just about the pack of cards but the gift that the tarot reader possesses, they must have extra sensory abilities and unique powers to connect with the past, present and future of the person having the reading.

In my own point of view, these tarot readers have extra sensory abilities but not that special power to connect on one’s past, present and even the future.  I think they have these extra sensory abilities because they are trying to detect what their client what to happen and they attempt to know the things they need through brainwashing. I believe that it is all about sensing and persuading but not about power of connecting.

While surfing for any other sources, I read about this article related to cartomancy.  The article is about the basic meanings of the regular playing cards. According to the article, the method is as well related to Astrology. If the previous article told that the original purpose of the Tarot cards was for games, it is the opposite for this article. In the latter article, long before people used cards to play games, they were used to foretell the future. In fact, playing cards were invented for divination purposes.

Whatever things are behind this method, I can find any reason to believe in it. For me, it is an instant reflex to say that hearts represent love, diamonds represent wealth and they can make any representation for other cards. The problem that will remain is whether cards are made for games or for fortune telling.

Let me end my second blog by the saying in the Matrix movie, “Life is matter of choice, we are the destiny makers of our own life. Chance has already been taken when choice is made.” We cannot pass a day without making one. To stay living is a choice, to do something is a choice, and to choose a card in that suite is a choice. Every move we make is a choice, whether we realize it or not. Chance is just a matter of opportunity and luck. And in our own hands lies our fate. 

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